Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Supergirl: Is this the end of the Outlaws?

Shi is dead. Pretty much because she went in with a crazy ass plan that wouldn't work, and like no backup. Well maybe she wanted to die After the Logan thing who knows? But now I'm making myself the bait in Kyoto.

I've acting like the type he likes killing and being that he kills with names on the alphabet and his last victim’s name started with a "J' and mine stars with a "K" I knew he'd come after me sooner or later.

And he did. I walk down this dark alley, and this creepy dude grabs me, and puts a knife to my eyes. “Such pretty eyes, I don't think I've ever seen any that shade of blue before.

He rips open my shirt and his eyes go wide, no not because of my chest perverts he just realized who I am.

“You costumed freaks! Keep getting in the way of my holy work!" He slaps me on the face.

I grin. “That hurt sort of. My turn!" I hold back a lot on my back hand so I don't like splatter his head all over the wall. He flies to the other side of the alley. Turns out I should have ht him a bit harder, since he vanished, he was just poof! Gone!

I couldn't find him with my Super Vision, nor could I find him with my hearing. I put my hand on my face, he actually did hurt be a bit, Bullets bounce of me with out a tickle, and his punch felt like a blood wasp back on Krypton , not that painful but painful enough.

This boy isn't normal. I fly back to the Batcave to tell Bruce about it, and I hear Batman and Question arguing.

“You’re teaming with the enemy Bruce!"

“The Skrulls are the enemy now! Besides when he was in my office I scanned the armor in his bones. I also have a sample of the Extremis from his skin; I can defeat him anytime I want now."

“Ana is dead because of you!" Question yells swinging a fist that Bats catches. Then Batman elbows Question in the no-face. I get in between them. “Stop this we shouldn't fight with each other!"

Question stares, at least I think he does. “I forgot you registered didn't you? How did Superman feel about that?"

I roll my eyes. " Stark isn't that bad when you get to know him, SHHIELD Isn’t actually the evil empire you make them out to be, These damned Skrulls are really screwing it up for all of us. We like don't trust each other anymore. "

Question shakes his head. “We could never trust each other Those of us that did were delusional. And your problem Batman is that you spread yourself too thin. You protect Gotham, you work with the JLA, and you team up with Superman, and now you're going to help this future kid, defeat a future man. You try to everything Bats, and sometimes things slip through the cracks, this time it was Ana and her ill advised plan, next time it could be a nut with a city destroying bomb."

“Question you're out of line!" Batman growls.

“And you're out of time Batman; don't worry though I'll investigate the Rishou Case. You can get back to it whenever you have the time, and yes I'm finished being your puppet I've found I can do more by myself than hearing you yell into my ear with your gravelly voice. I'm done do what you want."

He walks out of the cave, While Scarlet Spider mumbles, "I've been thinking I haven't been doing enough, maybe I should find a city that needs a hero? Thanks for everything Bats, it's been real. "

Goku whined " I don't wanna work with Iron Man, he put my son in jail, he' bad news bye." He teleports out.

"Great first the Titans doesn't work out, now this team just fell apart." I complain.

Batman just looks over at me, “Don’t worry Kara I'll get you on a team."

“Hey can Nightwing be on it? Or maybe Hal Jordan?” I squeal. He just looks at me and makes that "Hh." noise then leaves with that other Batman from the future. Not sure what that means.


Robin said...

"Hn" means a lot of things with Bats, you see in order to tell what it means you have to listen to his tone and look at his facial expression.

Sometimes it just means nothing.

Oh and a team with Nightwing and Hal Jordan? Are you just trying to form a team with guys you find attractive? What the heck would you call it?

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Are you sure you want Hal Jordan? I hear he gets knocked in the noggin an awful lot.

Anonymous said...

bet that guy is a super villian

Justice said...

wow guess he got a surprise