Thursday, July 31, 2008

The HYDRA canidate case: little problem.

Ana is going into the HYDRA front hospital. She'll see what I mean soon enough. I sit in a van I borrowed from a friend. I have plenty of surveillance equipment, and a two way radio in Ana's ear I'm about to give her some directions when a voice startles me out of my train of thought.

“I’m Cheese Whiz!"

“What?" I shout some crazy bum had gotten into man, and was yelling gibberish. “Sir could you please leave I'm doing something very important."

“I’m a tree wizard! I'll get rid of those tress for you!" he rants.

“There are no trees!" I yell.

“Alabama Alabama!"

"It's over there!" I shout he wandered to the Arby's across the street. He’s their problem now I lock the door.

Ana makes a sighing noise. “I knew you were crazy, but that rant... wow."

“What? It wasn't me!" I protest... "never mind here’s what you'll do."


1 comment:

SHI said...

my oh my how did I get...